The Clinic
UrBodiDetox is a clinic that works with clients to improve their health and wellbeing through diet and detoxification.
The clinic was created by Melinda who is a qualified nutritionist, colonic hydrotherapist and fitness professional. Having seen the benefits of detox and healthy diets, Melinda realised there was a demand for a new detox clinic in the Northern area of Perth.
Over the last few years Melinda directed her focus towards weight loss, nutrition, detox and colonics. Qualified with a globally recognised colonic qualification she has been working in the colonic health industry over the last few years using the pressurised Dotola machine which is a great detoxification tool alongside supplements and nutrition to help improve her clients health, weight loss and overall health aims.
Why detox, do I need to detox?
Every day we expect our bodies to cope with toxins, we are told by many reputable media sources that our bodies can cope with these toxins! "The Liver is a filter which removes the toxins from your system". This is true, the liver is a filter.....But.... were our bodies really meant to cope with the absorption of increasing amounts of potential toxins. Everything from environmental pollution, the food you eat and drink, poor diet choices, smoking, drinking, toxic cleaning products, microwaves, burnt meat, oxidation of oils, farm spays on our lovely fruit and vegetables..... the list can be overwhelming. In fact, if you could peek inside your body, you’d find a range of different toxins from heavy metals, pesticides, plastic particles, and dozens of other residues of modern life. Add to this, your everyday stress and the result is a body struggling to cope with its everyday functions.
Some physical and mental signs of an over burdened body are:
- bloating
- constipation
- poor skin
- allergies
- brain fog
- inability to stay focused
- uncomfortable stomach, gas & wind..... the list is endless.
The time has come to fight back from symptoms such as potential disease, constant fatigue, premature ageing and instead claim back your life. So take that first step towards increasing your energy , feel and look great once again by starting a full detox program with urBodi Detox Clinic combining Nutritional advice and Colonic Hydrotherapy.
At urBodi our nutritionist will help you choose the right detoxify program. We offer you specific detox programs designed around your price and time available. It includes everything from food choices, environmental changes to deciding to have your first colonic for that deeper cleanse.
Purifying your life won’t happen overnight, but if you begin today you’ll definitely be a little healthier and feeling full of vitality and vigour sooner than you think.