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So you have decided to do a cleanse... Yayyyyy.....
Have you thought about how your body will cope with the increased amounts of toxins being dumped by the liver into your digestive system?
Is your body/digestive system strong enough to cope?
Will it safely dispose of these toxins or will you just reabsorb them?
Do you have issues with leaky gut or feel you may have some gut issues?
If so how safe is it to do a detox??? lots of questions that most of us don't ask before we start a detox. But some of the most important questions you should be thinking about. The one big tip is to add toxin absorbers, preferably a toxin absorber that is able to attach to a broad spectrum of toxins.
Below are my top 5 Toxin absorbers and what toxins they absorb and safely eliminate through the digestive system without being re-absorbed.
1. Charcoal - great broad spectrum : high binding capacity, chemical toxins.
2. Fulvic Acids - Binds to Glyphosate
3. Silica - Binds to Aluminium. Important for cognitive function.
4. Chlorella - Binds to many heavy metals and mycotoxins
5. Zeolite - Clay that binds to mold, mycotoxins and mercury