If you are going to come in for a colonic then why not give the Detox Sauna Bed (Far Infrared) a try! Call and reserve your first FREE session when you purchase a package of 3 or 6 colonics. (only free to urBodi clients)

Far-infrared Treatment for  Weight loss, Detox, Pain Relief and more.......

Want to burn 600 calories in 30mins, whilst lying down relaxing in the clinic?

Want to lower your Heavy Metal burden?   

Want to reduce your arthritic pain?

Want to kill Viruses?

Want to detox but don't want to have colonic hydrotherapy?

Want intensify your colonics but don't know what to add?

$35 - 30min session

$25 - if combining with a colonic or massage

Ask for more information when you speak to us next.