urBodi Corporate Health

Specialises in nutritional services and advice within the workplace.

Nutritional Seminars

Offering your staff a variety of well presented nutritional seminars aimed at different aspects of their lives.

Achieving Energy Naturally - Diet changes to help improve your daily energy levels

Reading Food Labels

Eat to Live - Diet changes to help prevent cancer

Weight loss- This seminar can be combined alongside weight loss challenges

Boot Camp for the Bowel - A fun seminar based on improving your overall bowel health and intern inproving general wellbeing.


Guided Grocery Tours

This tour can be organised in your lunchtime, and can last anything from 30-40mins


  • Additives
  • Packaged Foods- the good and the bad choices
  • Fats - What to avoid and what to add into your daily diet.
  • What veggies and fruit are really going to help your health issues- covers some of the main diseases & health conditions.
  • Shopping list - covering all the must have items you should include in your shopping trolley each week.


Cooking Demo/Presentations

Cooking Demo can be offered to your company at any time of the day, and can occupy your staff for 30mins - 1hour depending on how many recipes you would like us to create. We can give you a choice of recipes or you can suggest ideas to fit in with your company.

You also have the option to have your demo become a fun team event where your staff can join in on preparing the recipes. We supply aprons, chopping boards & utensils. All you need to have is the space and willing staff.

Themes can include:

Raw food

Juicing Recipes


Healthy Fast Food

Lunch Box Ideas

Healthy Treats


Please contact us for a quote, as the price will vary depending on hw many people we are catering for and how many recipes you would like to have.



Corporate Consultations Within the Workplace

We come to you at work!!!

This great idea fits in with your lunch time or tea break, we intially get you to complete a health screen form online which you forward to us before your appointment.

We then discuss via email or phone your main aims or health issues that you want to gain from your consultation and program. We then create your nutritional and supplement program and forward it to you via email, or arrange your worktime consultation where we can go through your program together.



Email/Phone consultation with program                                                          $70 per person

Workplace consultation with program   (1 person)                                          $150 per person

Workplace consultation with program   (1-4 people at same site)                  $130 per person

Workplace consultation with program   (5-10 people at same site)                $110 per person

Allow 30mins per person per consultation. 


Please contact us for a group cosultation prices or if all your staff would like the same general wellbeing program as this will reduce the cost.

All our programs can be designed to your individual or company needs.