New Nutritional Program’s online

Just arrived at urBodi is our new Nutrition online program you will receive a personal login and password. allowing you to login and receive your meal plans, recipes for the week, diary and shopping list. Each Nutritional program is designed around your personal details and aims. This plan details all of the recommendations from your urBodi nutritionist. In your first consultation our nutritionist will explain what they believe are the underlying causes of your health issues, advice on supplements and supply you with your online details or print out here everything you need for your following week of planning.

Your Nutritional Program includes:

At the initial consultation your urBodi nutritionist will help you go through any health problems along with choosing the correct nutritional program. This is so you can see your symptoms reducing and your overall well-being increasing.

  • Is an individually written report giving you macronutrient and nutrient breakdowns enabling us to design a diet around your health needs.
  • Your program will lay out each meal and recipe for every day, all discussed around foods you like. Recipes can be created to suit your time schedual
  • created around your time available for food prep. So if you are busy Supplement list
  • Recipes, printed, smart phone or computer based format.

You have free email and telephone contact with your urBodi nutritional c.onsultant for the duration of your contract. Your program details all the recommendations you have agreed with your urBodi nutritionist, so you don't have to remember them.

Our service can include individual follow up consultations or group weight loss meetings depending on your budget and personal plan.

We can recommend supplements, meal replacement products and meal & snack advice. On your individually designed supplement program, we tell you when to take each supplement, if you should take it with food or away from food. We also will always tell you why you are taking the supplement and for how long they are recommended.



Initial Nutritional Consultation 1hour apt                         $100 
15min Follow up appointment                                         $25