Cancellations & Missed Appointment update

Over the last 12 months in my business I have implemented a more streamlined automated booking system, which i have loved and this has reduced many hours of running around and more time focused on you my client. But the down side of this automation has created less contact with you before booking in and then more uncertainty in your minds on what you are receiving from my service. I have added more videos and posts on the treatment in a hope to make colonics more personable and less scary for you.

The reason for this update is to explain why I have implemented a cancellation fee. This has been a very long and difficult decision, as I like to think I am very understanding in your needs and have spent the last 8 years accommodating my regular clients. and I will continue this understanding as much as possible. But as a business women I need to put my big girl pants on and start knuckling down on people that book in and give no notice of cancellation or don’t even turn up!!! So, due to this increasing number of missed appointments and many hours of missed income. I have now decided to charge a fee for no show and late cancellations.

Please be aware you will NOT be charged when booking!! But if you miss an appointment and you haven’t given me any notice (24 hours minimum) then i will be charging a cancellation fee. For a no show it will be 100% full cost. This is non refundable and you will be unable to use this charge for another appointment. Yup my big girl business pants fully on.

Obviously, for my regular clients that have a crazy life moment, I will still be understanding and use my judgement on that, but reoccurring missed appointments will be charged as I can’t afford to keep losing my time and money and ultimately other clients missing out on seeing me and peak times are limited.