Probiotics Implants - Do you need more healthy little bugs?


The gut bacterial microbiome, particularly its role in disease and inflammation, has gained international attention with the successful use of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). Because of this amazing work we are also seeing the shift to the easier method of the probiotic implants for the treatment of the following conditions: inflammatory bowel disease, crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, SIBO, IBS, Antibiotic recovery, foreign travel, recovery from pharmaceutical meds, food sensitivities, allergies, moods, bloating and flatulence, skin conditions, chronic constipation, yeast infection (candida), compromised immune system, diarrhea to name just a few things.

Great health requires balance and one of the foundations of great health is an efficient digestive tract. However, maintaining the delicate microflora of the gut can be quite a juggling act of diet and lifestyle. Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that reside in the colon. It is estimated that 100 trillion micro-organisms of more than 500 different species inhabit a normal healthy bowel. Poor diet, a weak immune system and prescription medication are just some of the things that can ‘throw off’ intestinal function.

Antibiotics are one of the biggest culprits since they kill not only the harmful but also the beneficial bacteria. The standard American diet (SAD) also wreaks havoc with friendly bacteria as the over use of sugar, wheat, dairy and processed food feeds candida, which then overruns the bowel without the proper balance of probiotics to keep it in check.

Probiotics can attach themselves to the bowel wall and help weaken intestinal decay, thereby enhancing the productivity of a colon hydrotherapy session. Removing toxins from the bowel with colon hydrotherapy and re-establishing a friendly balance with a probiotic implant enhances the immune system and improves digestive function. Systemic candida, chronic fatigue and other autoimmune conditions can be reduced by using these methods.

Friendly intestinal bacteria keep harmful micro-organisms in check by improving digestive function and absorption, and strengthening the immune system. According to, “research suggests that probiotics may help treat and prevent vaginal yeast infections, shorten the duration of intestinal infection, and treat irritable bowel syndrome. As a by-product of their metabolism, probiotics produce Lactoferrin, an iron binding protein needed to extract iron from the food we eat. Increased Lactoferrin may improve iron-assimilation deviancies”. Probiotics help the body increase the production of enzymes and the absorption of vitamins and nutrients especially Vitamin B, Vitamin K, fatty acids and calcium.

The industry is still in its early stages when it comes to documented results, but in my eyes as a colon health practitioner with over 10 years experience in this area, it totally makes sense to use these live strains of bacterial microbiome implants as an easy way to help my clients with an affordable option in health care for correcting /managing their gut health. colon hydrotherapy followed by a rectal infusion of probiotic is the answer. Implantation directly into the rectum greatly increases the absorption and effectiveness of probiotics since they are deposited directly into the sigmoid region of the colon and they do not have to survive the acid bath of the stomach in order to reach their destination.