Five Additional Uses for Binders in Everyday Life

When do you use a binder? (You know – a supplement designed to grab and hang on to toxins). Probably when you’re doing a cleanse, right? Go after the bad stuff, bind it up, and clear it out of your system.

But did you know there are some instances outside of a cleanse where you might want to use a binder?

It’s true! You can use a binder when you want to neutralize something in your gut. STAT!

The Five Uses of Binding Agents

  • Food Sensitivities

    • Oh no! You were out, and the restaurant swore your meal was gluten-free. But now your body is feeling like a giant doughnut.

    • You succumbed to your sister-in-law’s famous guacamole, and now you’re paying the price for eating raw onions.

  • Toxic Exposure

    • Your neighbor is battling dandelions and resorted to spraying with chemical pesticides. When you opened your window for fresh air, you got more than you bargained for.

    • An hour-long traffic jam not only tests your patience, the exhaust fumes tax your liver.

    • You love your book club, but another evening spent breathing in scented candles at Blake’s house has you considering resigning your spot in the group.

  • Food Poisoning

    • Those deep-fried clams at the street fair were good going down, but now you’re down and out!

  • Food Intolerance

    • You know the histamine in that kombucha or Caesar salad may make you bloated or headachy – but you want to enjoy it anyway.

    • The same goes for the lactose in your daily flat white or latte.

  • Overindulgence

    • That wine trolley tour was a blast. And you’re not too proud to admit it. There’s a slight chance you had just one too many tastes of that incredible pinot noir!

Saving the Day with A Natural Binder

These are the times when a formula containing a variety of binders is your best friend. They provide broad-spectrum support, so no matter where your day goes awry, you have an ally to keep you more comfortable.

And guess what else you can use a binder for? A cleanse! Oh wait, you already knew that. Okay.

So the next time you find yourself wondering, “What else can I use a binder for?” Here’s your answer! A lot more than you realise!

This content was originally published on website (July 6th 2022)

Seed Cycling to Balance Female Hormones

Seed cycling is a growing trend claimed to balance hormones, boost fertility, and ease symptoms of menopause.

It involves eating flax, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds at different times of the month to balance certain hormones. The idea is that different seeds can promote or hinder the hormones oestrogen and progesterone.


Seed cycling is a naturopathic remedy that is claimed to balance hormones by regulating the hormone oestrogen in the first half of your menstrual cycle and the hormone progesterone in the second half. Its purported health benefits include helping regulate periods, reducing acne, treating polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and infertility, and easing symptoms of menopause, such as hot flushes, night sweats, fatigue, and mood swings.

The most common method instructs women to eat 1 tablespoon each of freshly ground flax and pumpkin seeds per day for the first 13–14 days of their menstrual cycle, which is known as the follicular phase. During the second half of their cycle, which is known as the luteal phase, seed cyclers eat 1 tablespoon each of ground sunflower and sesame seeds per day until the first day of their next period when their cycle starts again.

For menopausal and postmenopausal women without a regular menstrual cycle, it’s often recommended to use the phases of the moon as a guide to cycle dates, with day one of their cycle falling on the new moon.

Proponents claim that positive hormonal changes will be noticed after just a few months of cycling. Phytoestrogens in flax seeds can help increase or decrease estrogen levels as needed. Phytoestrogens are compounds in plants that can mimic the action of oestrogen.

Zinc from pumpkin seeds could promote progesterone production in preparation for the next phase of the cycle.

During the luteal phase, lignans — a type of polyphenol — in sesame are supposed to inhibit oestrogen levels from increasing too much. Meanwhile, the vitamin E in sunflower seeds is thought to help boost progesterone levels.

I have used seed cycling with clients as part of a programme to balance hormones and I do believe that there are some benefits. However I do not think that this method alone should be relied upon. It should always be part of an overall programme. But it is still something that everyone can try at home.

Candida Overgrowth

Candida Symptoms

The symptoms of candida overgrowth that we most commonly see in clinic are -

  1. Poor digestion

  2. irregular bowel movements

  3. bloating

  4. Excessive gas

  5. Vaginal Symptoms

  6. sinusitis

  7. “Brain fog”

  8. Chronic fatigue

  9. inability to focus

  10. weight gain

A few other indicators found in women are:

  • yeast infections (present or past)

  • UTIs

  • vaginal itching during PMS

Any if these signs tell me a lot about a clients’ gut health and indicate the likely presence of a yeast overgrowth.

Candida Overgrowth

In many of these cases, these clients have been suffering for years with Candida yet visiting these doctors hasn’t got to the root of the problem.

Why is this? Each doctor tends to focus on just one organ where Candida may be causing symptoms rather than focusing on the big picture.

Gut Symptoms

The classic gut symptoms with Candida are bloating after a meal, excessive gas, and usually constipation. Many Candida patients have a long history of relying on over-the-counter antacids or laxatives to get relief. Eventually, they will see a gastroenterologist who diagnoses them with irritable bowel syndrome. If your physician tells you this, they are essentially saying “I don’t know what is causing your stomach pain!!”

Candida originates in the gut because the microbiome becomes unbalanced. This means the good bacteria are depleted and the Candida is overgrown. This usually happens due to long-term antibiotic use, birth control use for years, and a diet high in refined sugars and processed carbohydrates (like wheat flour). But it may not be linked to diet at all.

Vaginal Symptoms

Once the candida has overgrown in the gut, it can exit the intestinal system in what’s been termed ’leaky gut’. This happens when the bowel’s cell lining becomes more permeable and allows the Candida toxins to enter the bloodstream, which means it can affect other areas. Some women run to their doctor because the vaginal itching, burning, and discharge make them incredibly uncomfortable (it’s even hard for them to sit!).


Candida species are the most common cause of fungal urinary tract infections (UTIs). Candida UTIs can occur in the lower portion of the urinary tract or in some cases can ascend up to the kidneys. Urinary tract candidiasis is known as the most frequent fungal infection worldwide. Candida albicans is the most common cause of fungal urinary tract infections. Research here.

Chronic Sinusitis (CS) -

Candida sinusitis is probably the most underdiagnosed cause of chronic sinusitis. The whole situation becomes a real “Catch-22” situation.

Most people do not realise that their chronic nasal congestion originates from their gut.

People with sinus symptoms tend to see a doctor for sinus pain. This doctor gives them a prescription for antibiotics and this will happen over and over again because the patient isn’t getting better. The patient thinks these antibiotics are making them better when they are actually making Candida worse.

Sinus tissue, just like vaginal, seems to be a comfortable home for candida overgrowth.

The Mayo Clinic published an article stating that 93% of all cases of CS were mold or fungal related. The researchers studied 210 patients with chronic sinusitis. Using new methods of collecting and testing mucus from the nose, they discovered fungus in 96% of the patients’ mucus. They identified a total of 40 different kinds of fungi in these patients, with an average of 2.7 kinds per patient. Research here.

Mucosal Membranes:

Mucosal membranes are important barriers that line the nose, mouth, lungs, urinary, vaginal, and digestive tracts. These membranes are laced with tight-knit cells that release a moist, sticky substance called mucus. The purpose of mucus is to cover and protect fragile cell layers below, and it traps debris. Mucus cells are meant to prevent ‘leaks,’ but damage and inflammation can cause these tight cells to loosen, allowing unwanted microbes (bacteria) to get through. In the digestive mucosal membrane, this problem is known as “leaky gut” or intestinal permeability.

Each location with a mucosal membrane (sinus, digestion, vaginal etc) in our body has an important and unique microbiome. The microbiome is a collective of microbes (bacteria etc) which serve as an important first-line of defence against invaders. For example, in the vagina, the microbiome prevents yeast infections by limiting the supply of sugar (sugar feeds yeast organisms) to keep its population in check. These types of regulation occur on the skin, in the upper respiratory tract (including the sinus cavities), and in the gastrointestinal tract. This is why it’s very common that CS is actually a signal of yeast overgrowth–or candida, as it’s commonly called.

“Brain Fog” or Cognitive Impairment

I have had clients so upset in consultations as they explained how they used to be so sharp and capable, but now simple daily reminders are a real problem.

With candida if you eat foods with sugar your metabolism literally ferments the sugar into alcohol. This makes you feel hung-over.

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue syndrome is still mystifying by doctors and patients. When a clients’ medical history is consistent with Candida overgrowth this indicates a late stage of Candida. The good news is that the client can respond quite well to a comprehensive treatment plan. The client may have become mineral and vitamin deficient from the long-standing problem and they need aggressive Candida treatment with supplements.

Initial Treatment Protocol


(Gut Health Support)


Gut Symptoms

Gas, farting, smelly odours, refux, belching, burping, constipation, diarrhea, cramps and strange tummy pains, bloating high or low, brain fog, sleep issues, emotional lows, inflammation to name just a few….

Questions to ask yourself:

1.When and where are these symptoms occurring?

·        After meals, specific time of the month, waking up? All day? High or low on the stomach area? When you are stressed, away at work….

2.When did it start happening? How Long?

·        Always as far as you can remember.

·        A certain time (1yr, 2yrs, 2wks, after a holiday, major life changing moment or specific meal out etc….)

Once you know the above you can start to direct your reasoning and possible root causes and treatment plan.




Parasites, Bacteria imbalance, gut leak/permeability, food sensitivities/allergies, hormonal issues, stress, upper digestion issues (not enough digestive enzymes, too much acid or not enough, sticky valves, ulcers, too much medication over the years, powders/supplements that might be causing an issue, had antibiotics to name a few.



Implement phase l of detoxification. This is removal phase, killing and flushing everything out of the body. This includes at least 3 colonics (can be more if needed) preferably over 1-3wks.

Treatment Protocol in this phase includes removal and die off of Parasites or Bacteria issues (H.Pylori, Candida etc)

1.      Removal: Includes elimination diet- processed food, remove gluten, grains, dairy, alcohol, refined sugars, low GI fruit only (test these). Any other foods that are causing issues for the next 4-8wks. Removal of toxins bowel moving every day at least.

2.      Introduce increased amounts of vegetables. If you have issues with vegetables then gradually try new ones or cook them. Start with root veg and go from there.

3.      Add in pre-digesting support supplements like HCL, /food see below.

4.      Slow down your eating habits, chew your food more (not over eating)  .

5.      NAC -to help breakdown any biofilm that prevents the die off/detection of parasites.

6.      4. Start some antimicrobial herbs/products. Oregano oil, Guar Gum, Black Walnut, Clove, Wormwood, diatomaceous Earth etc.



Do the above protocol for at least 4wks. Then re-address or move on to adding or taking away the supplements as needed and increasing raw vegetables etc




1.Parasites or Bacteria imbalances (choose one from below list)

Can come from a specific time in life including childhood, holiday, job, meal etc

If you think this may be the cause (if happened in childhood and now an adult, that means years of gut issues and damage created) not a quick fix. But still able to heal if giving the correct protocol.

If it happened recently, smelly gas and bloating and constipation and cramps can be a much quicker to resolve and the colonic treatment can usually help resolve the issue fast.

Paratrex – Global Healing, (best for clients that have IBS) this is an anti-microbial so if you cant get this there are other brands out there

Ultimate Fibre – 1tsp per day and gradually increase 1tbsp if they are not getting the desired relief (good product for clients with constipation and are ok with fibre) NOT SUITABLE for IBS/IBD

Oregano oil & Guar Gum Great combo especially for H.Pylori

Combantrin (Possibly consider as extra parasite add on. From the chemist over the counter).


Also think about adding these in to support the digestive system

2.NAC- Breaks down biofilm from parasites

3.Digestive Enzymes – VeganZyme Global Healing or Digest-GI AST Enzymes but there are loads around to choose from.

4.HCL, Applecider or Liver Bitters – found in Health shops or online, great to stimulate the liver and pancreas make what it needs.

5.Gut Lining/Healing Supplements such as Diatomaceous Earth, Collagen, Bone Broths, Humic & Fulvic Substances.

Quercetin and Bromelain – This is a natural antihistamine. So if you are experiencing skin flares after eating or drinking then it may be from a histamine spike.


After 4-8wks start adding extra support

6.Add Pre & Probiotics- read below

After 6-12mths depending on how consistent you have been you will hopefully be off all the supplements and only need the healthy eating and lifestyle section.



Upper Intestinal support

Lectins phytates and oxalates- Are a group of proteins which bind to some of the carbs around the gut lining causing issues like celiac disease. But the more oxalates and phytates you have, help produce the broad array of microbiome which help then break down these oxalates and phytates… It’s a cycle.

Lectins can be harder to eliminate from the body and can cause gut lining permeability. Only way to break Lectins is to cook them (Legumes) for 100c 10-30mins. Tinned beans have been heated and are ok. Heat unfortunately does not break down the lectins in grains! Hence causing a few issues in our gut. This can be one reason why we have issues with grains but are not allergic or sensitive when tests are done.

Digestive EnzymesVeganZyme Global Healing or Digest-GI AST Enzymes: Good as a support but we hope to get the liver, gall bladder etc all optimal so you don’t need these anymore. But it’s a great support in the beginning and can really reduce bloating if the primary cause is not enough stomach acid, bile or enzymes…


Stomach & small intestines

Low stomach acid symptoms: loss of appetite for meat, feel sick after taking supplements stomach cramps, pains, strong smelling sweat. May not feel like eating breakfast, nails break easily or anaemia and supplements doesn’t help.

Food then enters the intestines and trigger a few functions releasing pancreatic enzymes- digesting sugars, fats, proteins and starches. So signs of not producing enough of these enzymes are: Food intolerances, undigested food in stools, bloating, gas, constipation and  diarrhea.

Gall Bladder symptoms: Stomach upset from fatty foods, greasy/shiny light coloured stools, bitter taste in the mouth, get drunk easily, bad hangovers, pain between your shoulder blades, constipation or diagnosis of gall bladder stones.

The gall bladder creates the bile to emulsify the fats so they are easier to digest and absorb. If bile isn’t flowing properly then fat will become difficult to absorb and then cause inflammation in the lining of the small intestine, bile is also needed to absorb fat soluble vitamins like A,D,E,K as well as Iron  and Calcium. To remove excess hormones and other toxins.


Small Intestine/Gut Wall symptoms: Some signs that your intestinal wall is not functioning optimally are the following: Food allergies, inflammation and sensitivities and may then lead to auto immune conditions and bloating 1-2hrs after easting.

Lined with micro-villi, these must be healthy to absorb nutrients and its only one cell thick!!! This can be damaged easily from processed foods, the cells have junctions open and close to allow micro nutrients into the blood stream. If they don’t it can cause leaky gut when undigested food proteins, toxins and pathogen (viruses, bacteria) cross over into the blood stream. This then causes the above symptoms.


Large Intestine/Colon/Bowel symptoms: Thrush, sugar makes your symptoms worse, constipation, excessive or foul smelling gas.

Absorbs water and electrolytes from the remaining food and also home to your microbiome which powerfully effect your overall health by releasing peptides, hormones and other substance which impact your whole system including brain, cardiovascular, immune function and insulin response. This bacteria feed of your diet…. So diverse your vegetable choices are the more diverse your microbiome will become.

Antibiotics, stress, processed food.

Test your Tansit Time 24/36hrs is the ideal transit time- charcoal or sweetcorn once you see this it will give you an idea if this transit time is healthy. (don’t eat sweetcorn for a week before you test this out).

HCL (stomach acid 0.8-1.5)/Applecider or capsules– great to add a shot of or create a dressing with salads etc. Signs of low stomach acid are food in stools, diarrhea, cramps. This helps break down food in particular proteins into amino acids and increase digestion.  Helps trigger the valve to open to release food into your intestines and juices to help break down the food (the next stage of digestion).


Insoluble fibre -plants, helps the muscles contract and move food through the intestines and keeps us feeling full and going to the toilet regularly, found in nut beans and veg.

Soluble fibre is import for weight loss its slows down the rate carbohydrates are digested controlling blood sugar levels, flattening the peaks of insulin (the fat storing hormone) and it’s a prebiotic (feeds your good bacteria). Found in fruit, beans, flaxseed/linseeds, chia seeds and other nuts and seeds.


Eat a VARIETY of vegetables as this with give you the fuel to grow many different bacteria strains in the gut. Gradually Include

Variety of Raw food after the initial 4wks, as these are going to provide (eventually replacing the enzyme supplements). Garlic, onion, rocket, watercress

Bitter foods produce the bile production (eventually replacing the HCL supplements) chicory, watercress, dandelion, radishes, mustard greens, artichokes, turnip greens. Cooking with spices like fenugreek, and turmeric is also good.

Fermented Foods

Sauerkraut, kimchi, miso support good bacteria

Zinc based foods helps with production of stomach acid broccoli, seafood, beef, pork, chicken, pumpkin seeds cashew nuts, mushrooms

Good Fats based foods include avocado, nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil is anti-inflammatory and coconut oil is particularly good for gut health as its anti-microbial and anti-fungal.

Herbs and spices Cloves stimulate enzymes and is an anti-microbial, mint improves the flow of bile, carraway are good for reducing gas and bloating.


Breath Work slow breathing down before you eat takes you into rest and digest mode, smell the food, think about the food, then notice the saliva increase in the mouth. This is the first stage of digestion kicking in and will help in digesting.

Chewing food- Needed to switch on your stomach acid, tell us when we are full and increases the ability to digest and absorb the food. Chew until it mush in the mouth…. Especially raw veg as they can for some people be the missing key to gut health (if you have issues with vegetables phytates, oxalates in all your plants all your vegetables. They are not as bad as you may think.

Cooking methods could change slow cook to assist you in the early stages of this plan. Makes it easy on your digestive system until you are ready to gradually introduce those raw vegetables.


Disclaimer: This is a general guide and not specifically designed around you. You may need more specific support depending on your own health issues, medications or goals. Always consult your local GP for any individual health concerns.

urBodi are now on YouTube go and check out the Videos.

Well its taken me years to feel comfortable in front of a camera, let alone a video that goes out to the big wide world. And when I say comfortable, I would stress that’s a limited level of comfort lol.

I have embraced it as a means to give you all more information and guidance.

You can find a few videos on “The difference between a colonic and Enema”, “My 3 favourite products to help with constipation”, “5 tips before you have a colonic” .

I promise to start pushing out some more for you all to learn and guide you along your colon cleansing/detoxing journey.

Melinda Atha

NutMed Adv.Dip ColonHydroAdv.Dip.

Probiotics Implants - Do you need more healthy little bugs?


The gut bacterial microbiome, particularly its role in disease and inflammation, has gained international attention with the successful use of fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). Because of this amazing work we are also seeing the shift to the easier method of the probiotic implants for the treatment of the following conditions: inflammatory bowel disease, crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, SIBO, IBS, Antibiotic recovery, foreign travel, recovery from pharmaceutical meds, food sensitivities, allergies, moods, bloating and flatulence, skin conditions, chronic constipation, yeast infection (candida), compromised immune system, diarrhea to name just a few things.

Great health requires balance and one of the foundations of great health is an efficient digestive tract. However, maintaining the delicate microflora of the gut can be quite a juggling act of diet and lifestyle. Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria that reside in the colon. It is estimated that 100 trillion micro-organisms of more than 500 different species inhabit a normal healthy bowel. Poor diet, a weak immune system and prescription medication are just some of the things that can ‘throw off’ intestinal function.

Antibiotics are one of the biggest culprits since they kill not only the harmful but also the beneficial bacteria. The standard American diet (SAD) also wreaks havoc with friendly bacteria as the over use of sugar, wheat, dairy and processed food feeds candida, which then overruns the bowel without the proper balance of probiotics to keep it in check.

Probiotics can attach themselves to the bowel wall and help weaken intestinal decay, thereby enhancing the productivity of a colon hydrotherapy session. Removing toxins from the bowel with colon hydrotherapy and re-establishing a friendly balance with a probiotic implant enhances the immune system and improves digestive function. Systemic candida, chronic fatigue and other autoimmune conditions can be reduced by using these methods.

Friendly intestinal bacteria keep harmful micro-organisms in check by improving digestive function and absorption, and strengthening the immune system. According to, “research suggests that probiotics may help treat and prevent vaginal yeast infections, shorten the duration of intestinal infection, and treat irritable bowel syndrome. As a by-product of their metabolism, probiotics produce Lactoferrin, an iron binding protein needed to extract iron from the food we eat. Increased Lactoferrin may improve iron-assimilation deviancies”. Probiotics help the body increase the production of enzymes and the absorption of vitamins and nutrients especially Vitamin B, Vitamin K, fatty acids and calcium.

The industry is still in its early stages when it comes to documented results, but in my eyes as a colon health practitioner with over 10 years experience in this area, it totally makes sense to use these live strains of bacterial microbiome implants as an easy way to help my clients with an affordable option in health care for correcting /managing their gut health. colon hydrotherapy followed by a rectal infusion of probiotic is the answer. Implantation directly into the rectum greatly increases the absorption and effectiveness of probiotics since they are deposited directly into the sigmoid region of the colon and they do not have to survive the acid bath of the stomach in order to reach their destination.

Cancellations & Missed Appointment update

Over the last 12 months in my business I have implemented a more streamlined automated booking system, which i have loved and this has reduced many hours of running around and more time focused on you my client. But the down side of this automation has created less contact with you before booking in and then more uncertainty in your minds on what you are receiving from my service. I have added more videos and posts on the treatment in a hope to make colonics more personable and less scary for you.

The reason for this update is to explain why I have implemented a cancellation fee. This has been a very long and difficult decision, as I like to think I am very understanding in your needs and have spent the last 8 years accommodating my regular clients. and I will continue this understanding as much as possible. But as a business women I need to put my big girl pants on and start knuckling down on people that book in and give no notice of cancellation or don’t even turn up!!! So, due to this increasing number of missed appointments and many hours of missed income. I have now decided to charge a fee for no show and late cancellations.

Please be aware you will NOT be charged when booking!! But if you miss an appointment and you haven’t given me any notice (24 hours minimum) then i will be charging a cancellation fee. For a no show it will be 100% full cost. This is non refundable and you will be unable to use this charge for another appointment. Yup my big girl business pants fully on.

Obviously, for my regular clients that have a crazy life moment, I will still be understanding and use my judgement on that, but reoccurring missed appointments will be charged as I can’t afford to keep losing my time and money and ultimately other clients missing out on seeing me and peak times are limited.

Getting to grips with automation in my business

This week I achieved some behind the scenes mini goals, these have been on my list of jobs for months if not years! I am not the most advanced when it come to atomizing my business, but over the last seven months i have to say with some persistence i am now starting to move forward with my business (THANKS TO TONY ROBBINS MOTIVATING ME!!) 

You may have noticed the NEW button on my website for BOOKING into my ONLINE CALENDAR Yayyyy... That was my first mini goal achieved and a big shout out to my hubby for working with me on this job, as i struggled at times to get it up and operational. Now that its been up and running for 6 months, I have to say its been the best thing for my business, giving me back more time to focus on clients and less time juggling call backs and making appointments.

The next step was to do the behind the scenes stuff!! like linking your information with my database so that i can automatically stay in contact with you. Which for the last 8 years i have never achieved. So this is massive step for me. This was not as straight forward as it sounds! I have no doubt for some of the more advanced business operators out there, you're probably thinking i am slow!!! oooooh yes I have to admit i have resisted this side of my business. BUT.......I now have no excuse, no more reasons why I CAN"T do things! no more reasons other than ME blocking out of fear!!! No more....... time to keep moving forward. 

So.... Whats next i hear you ask? Well, that's the million dollar question. Now i have all my clients at my fingertips i guess its time to keep this motivation moving forward. My brain is running on overdrive as i start to work though my next 6 months of goals and targets.. I will no doubt be sharing this with you all via, email and social media in a much easier and automated way.  Go ME!! 

1. Tips and advice pre and post appointment emails.

2. ebook and detox guide can now be sold and have somewhere to go!!!

3. Future events now have potential clients!!!

These are all just the beginning......

So if i can reach my goals, so can YOU!!!! Don't stop dreaming and reaching out for your goals even if you need to ask for help. 


Social Media, A thank you to my supporters

Today I launched a "one week only $50 gift voucher" to all my Facebook friends.

Over the last 7 years in business, I have very slowly grown interest in this crazy thing called social media. It has been a slow road, mainly due to the fact that I am not particularly keen on being visual to the World! Although my friends may disagree.....

So, I'd like to say a massive thanks to all of you that have stayed with me, liked my posts and articles and hope to continue growing this area of my business.

Over the next few months you will watch me struggle, laugh at my strange on camera antics and hopefully learn some interesting things along the way. I apologize now for any poor quality videos, vlogging, blogging and any other trendy social media thing i need to work on. But i hope you will also feel my pain and share a giggle or two as i circumnavigate this strange digital world.

This is going to be the beginning of positive changes here at urBodi and growth within my online shop will see some great new items you can purchase and have sent directly to your door. So sit back and enjoy the show!


urBodi Special Offers

Each month I am going to you a variety of different offers. Most offers are put on my Face Book Page. So please make sure you like my page or you could miss out on some fantastic deals.


April Special Offer

Colonic $70 reduced from $100

This offer is for the month of April Only and must be used by the end of May 2014.

One voucher per client only, but purchase of more vouchers for friends is availble.

To Claim your voucher and book your appt please call Melinda on: 0415 146 395